Baby Shower for Courtney in Midland

Sunday, July 9 –

We got up early and traveled to Midland in order to attend a baby shower for Courtney that the Fairmont Park church of Christ was giving her for her expected baby boy in September. After the shower we got to visit with both our Midland grand babies and then attend church with them on Sunday night before returning home.

The first thing we did was meet for lunch at Cracker Barrel.

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Then it was on to the shower for the girls. The Fairmont ladies really outdid themselves with a darling outdoorsy hunting theme for the decor.

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Courtney got so many cute and useful things at the shower.

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Afterwards, we went back to Cim and Courtney’s and played with the grand babies again.

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Cim gave us a demonstration of lifting using his homemade atlas stone.

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The evening brought another fine sermon from Laredo at Fairmont Park church of Christ. It also gave us a little more time to spoil Callahan and Bella.

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Bella Crawls

Saturday, June 24 –

We got to spend some time with Cim, Courtney and Bella this weekend. I shot this video as Bella was having fun shuffling through papers and playing with toys. Then when she saw her daddy, she proceeded to army crawl over to him. She was very determined and too cute.


Nine Months *Video*

Thursday, June 1 –

Nine months is a long time. That’s how long we waited on Bella to get here and nine months is how old she is today. She’s such an adorable little darling and has a smile that will melt your heart. She’s also a talented musician already.

Bella 9 mos old

Courtney captured her unique playing style one day…



Fall Visit with the Goodwins

Wednesday, November 10 –

We had a wonderful visit with Atlanta & Jordan and our little Goodwins, Marian and Alan. They are so darling. We kept busy mostly around the house playing with toys and games, playing restaurant in the playhouse and enjoying the warm days in the sandbox. They got to ride horses one day and we took a long walk together, another. One of the highlights was getting to know their new cousin and spending time with family. It’s always so sad when they leave and we immediately begin looking forward to the next time when we will be together.


Marian inspects Stockton’s lizards while Alan is busy in the living room shooting a play snake.



Enjoying a snack.


Meeting little Bella for the first time. img_20161102_172926 img_20161102_173333

Sweet cousins. img_20161102_173543


Catching up with Siblings at Mambo’s house in Matador


Another fun day together playing gamesimg_20161103_145103

…and watching the kids play

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New baby and significant baby bump.

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Yummy pizzas and proud Aunt


Selfie timeimg_20161105_140655

Marian and Carolina romping on the trampolineimg_20161105_140859

Hanging out and driving around

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How about a tea party?

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Atlanta with Great Grannyimg_20161105_140605


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Andrea stirs up a white sauce and Bella practices adorableness.

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Fun with the Tidwells and Granny


Welcome to Marian’s Cafe…


The boys played Risk all day


Time for some pony rides!

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Story time with Gram Gram


Bella teaches class…


Fun with playdough


Playing with legos…


Going on a walk…img_20161109_163402 img_20161109_163642 img_20161109_164319 img_20161109_164341




Amarillo Shower for Bella

Saturday, October 22 –

Bella was the star of the afternoon, although she mostly just slept, at a shower thrown in her honor. The theme chosen was children’s books, but she received some clothing and accessories as well as some darling additions to her library. The hostesses were Jennifer Auth, Leah Lee And Kathy Rice. Kathy’s home carried the shower theme throughout, with books and baby items here and there about her home in unexpected places.


The Big Yawn

Sunday, October 16 –

I just happened to catch this adorable Bella yawn on video. This is what Grammies live for.

Cim and Courtney’s Baby Can’t Wait

Thursday, September 1 –

Courtney developed some issues that ruled out the home birth they were planning. They went to Plainview to meet the doctor their midwife suggested they use instead. Then the doctor suggested they just not go home at all. Before the day was out, Anna Bella was here. Isn’t she just so darling?

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Shower in Lubbock for Courtney and Cim

Saturday, April 25 –

We had a nice shower at the home of Joy Rainey, grandmother of the groom. Many friends and relatives came to congratulate the couple and bring a gift for the new household.