Branding Before the Rain

Thursday, May 7 –

This is a painting called “Hurry Up and Brand” that I created in 1991. It depicts two cowboys who have snagged a calf that was missed in the recent roundup. Will they have time to get a fire going and brand it before that approaching storm hits? Probably not.


However, our group recently had better luck. Cim and Laredo had some cows and calves to brand. Rain was threatening, and they really had to hurry, but Courtney and the other kids pitched in to help and they finished the last one just as the big drops began to hit.

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Ladies of the Matador Church of Christ Host Shower

Sunday, April 26 –

Many old friends were in attendance at Diann Campbell’s house Sunday afternoon as the area ladies honored Courtney and Cim and showered them with kitchen goodies. Each one brought a recipe and all the ingredients, including the pan, needed to fix it. It was very fun.

Shower in Lubbock for Courtney and Cim

Saturday, April 25 –

We had a nice shower at the home of Joy Rainey, grandmother of the groom. Many friends and relatives came to congratulate the couple and bring a gift for the new household.

Road Trip

Friday, March 13 –

A couple of proud uncles came up from Texas on a fast trip to see Alan. Courtney and Andrea came along, too. It was their first trip to Tennessee.




Sunday afternoon everyone was outside enjoying the warm weather. Check out this video to see what was going on.


Cimarron Engaged!

Saturday, January 17 –

Cim is officially engaged to Courtney Marrs of Amarillo! They’ve set a wedding date of May 23. Please keep them in your prayers as they plan for their life together.



Courting Courtney

Sunday, May 4, 2014


Well, I guess it’s official, as of a couple of weeks ago. In case you hadn’t heard, Cimarron and Courtney Marrs of Amarillo have embarked upon a courtship. We enjoyed having her and her sister, Mackenzie visit this weekend.
