Thursday, June 12, 2014
We squeezed Marian into the bathroom sink for an impromptu bath. She didn’t care that it was a bit crowded, she loves water so.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
The day after they arrived, Atlanta, Jordan and Marian went down to the creek with us to help watergap. (This is what you call checking the fences that cross the creeks and rivers. Very often after a rain, the fences wash out and have to be put back up so cattle won’t get onto someone else’s ranch.) When we go watergapping, the guys have to work, but we get to play! The creek is the perfect place for kids. Water, sand, fish, critters, rocks, shells, etc. Here’s a little video of Marian having a great time in the water.
Monday, April 28, 2014
Amid tornado outbreak predictions, Atlanta and Jordan decided to spend the afternoon across the creek at his parent’s home where there was a safe room. Unfortunately, the creek rose very quickly in the constant widespread rainfall and they were unable to get across. Thankfully, however, Jeremiah and Jordan devised a safe way to cross by putting a rope across the river to hold on to while walking on the fallen tree bridge. The tornadoes stayed just south of their area and they were able to go home in the evening.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Jordan’s family cat had a litter of kittens not long after Marian was born. Atlanta and Jordan have adopted one. Her name is Violet and she and Carolina had a lot of fun during our short visit.
Carolina tried to carry her around in this basket, but she wasn’t content to stay inside it.
She did find something else to put in her basket. These brightly colored phlox were blooming everywhere in the woods.
Nathan and I and the two little kids are making a quick run to Tennessee this weekend. One of the well trucks is in the shop, so Nathan agreed it was a good time to go and see Marian (and Atlanta and Jordan, too, of course). We’re on the west side of Little Rock as I write this. We came through some very heavy rain in Oklahoma earlier, but the sun is out now and everything is so green.
Update: we’re almost there! We should arrive around 4:00. We left at 2:00 this morning. Nathan has driven all the way. I’ve offered to drive, but he says he’s doing okay. Here’s a video I shot as we crossed the Mississippi.