What’s so special about June 9? Well, in my book, June 9 was an exceptionally fine cloud day. The sunrise and evening clouds were so colorful and spectacular that they deserve a blog post of their very own. What do you think?
May was a very busy month this year. I’m afraid I wasn’t very regular about posting. However, I did find time to rush outside and take pictures of the beautiful and sometimes threatening clouds. So, for the sake of simplicity, this post contains most of the sky photos from the month of May, 2015…and there’s quite a few. Hope you enjoy!
Saturday, May 16 –
Today was the big race that Cim, Laredo, and the Phipps boys have been working toward. It’s called a “Tough Mudder” race. It was 11 miles of mud and obstacles. It was in a small Oklahoma town called Okemah, east of Oklahoma City. I’ve been worrying now for months about them being in that area of Oklahoma in mid may. It’s a tornado magnet.
Well, I was right. There were bad storms all day long. I found a live feed from KFOR Channel 4 in OKC. Also I had up TVN weather network on the internet. It has a map of the area showing storm chaser locations. You can click on a storm chaser and watch their live feed.
All day long I kept up with the storms. One tornado after another was forming. At one time the kids were in a tornado warning and a tornado even threatened Okemah a few hours after the race was over. I’m glad it’s over and the storms have moved on now into Arkansas.
Here are a few storm chaser pictures I snagged off the internet feed and from KFOR feed.
These first few are near Shamrock, TX and northeast into OK toward Sayre.
If you’d like to check out the feeds I was on, here are the links:
Wednesday, April 22 –
While sitting in church, my phone vibrated with a warning signal from my RadarNow app. I glanced at the radar to see an ominous cloud headed for Matador and a red tornado warning box around us. Church lasted 10 more minutes and then we all zoomed away quickly. We decided to drive home. As we got east of town heading north on FM 94, we could see the cloud more clearly. It was very dark and low hanging. I had Carolina snapping pictures in the back seat on her tablet, but when we got home and could look at them, we found that they were dark and blurry. I wish we could have gotten better pictures.
However, Cim found this photo by a storm watcher on facebook reposted by a friend of his. This would be facing east, taken from the Allsup’s parking lot.
This video was posted on facebook by Don Baxter, Jr.
We noticed a storm chaser sitting on the edge of town as we sped home. I found a youtube video that must have been taken by him and captured these two shots. His name is Spencer Basoco. This is exactly what we saw in front of us in the northern sky on our way home.
The real scary cloud was in the western sky headed toward Matador. I wish these shots were better, but maybe you can get an idea of what we were seeing.
Well, I told you they weren’t that good. I wish I would have stopped and taken some, but we were in a pretty big hurry to get home. Georgia ended up going to the courthouse in Matador. They have a large basement. She said there were about 100 people there during the worst of the storm.
It was a good month for sky photos. Actually, I haven’t ever experienced a bad month for sky photos. Unless it would be during the two bad drought years. (You need a few clouds to get a really awesome sunset or sunrise) But I digress, back to February…
January 28, 29 & 30 –
Three days of incredible skies. I wonder if there’s some significance in that. You know, good things come in threes or something…anyway…you can’t believe the explosion of color in these photos. Enjoy!
Saturday, January 10 –
The boys have been helping a friend of ours strip his cotton. They were working hard today trying to get finished up. I offered to pick up Courtney since Cim was busy. I brought her to where they were working so she could see the process. On the way back to the ranch, I kept stopping to take pictures of the sky and countryside. It was very cold and windy, but I just couldn’t pass up so much beauty. I only had my camera phone, but it still captured some great shots.