Sunday, July 29 –
This year we decided to try and get all the kids and grand kids together for a family vacation. We stayed at a house in Kerrville, Texas. Since Jordan had never had an opportunity to see the Alamo, and since Fredericksburg is always a fun place to visit, the location of this home worked out well. We spent one day in San Antonio and everyone spent at least one day in Fredericksburg.
Atlanta and Jordan were the first to arrive with Andrea and Laredo not far behind. The girls got started right away on fixing something for supper.

It was so good to see all the smiling faces. Everyone had grown so much.

Right away, the piano was a big hit with the little ones. The bench just wasn’t big enough.

Most of the group hadn’t even met Travis yet.

There was a goldfish pond out front. The kids really loved this. Alan is trying to shoot one.

Everybody really loved the pool. It was the perfect time of year to enjoy swimming.

Baby Travis turned 3 months old on the trip weighing in at around 22 pounds.

There was always lots of good food and fun games going on.

Granddad always had someone to hold.

There was a game room that offered pool, foosball, air hockey or just hanging out with one another.

Cousins met new cousins and got to know each other. Elsie and Axel are checking each other out.

Marian, the oldest cousin, is getting so grown up.

Travis and Axel, the youngest cousins charmed everyone.

One day we went to San Antonio and spent time at the Alamo and the River Walk.

We ate supper at a Mexican food place on the river.

Marian liked feeding the pigeons her left over rice.

When we got home, the kids had fun playing with their Alamo play set.