A beautiful new video from the Axe & Anvil Youtube channel.
Saturday, January 30 –
Another breezy day on the south plains seemed to cause a bit of a stir on social media. Weather conditions caused the wind to whip up on the caprock. The top soil, which is vunerable this time of year because of lack of crop cover, was blown all the way to the Dallas area. This caused the people there who don’t often see a sky full of dirt to post pictures of the skies and sunset. Here’s an example taken in Fort Worth.
As sand storms go, Lubbock dwellers have seen much worse, but some people still enjoyed snapping shots and sharing them on the internet. Here’s a few I found on my feed.
The most interesting thing I saw was this video of the storm passing above the texas panhandle and the dust storm pushing through the caprock area into central Texas.
Doing a little research, I found that one of the worst ever sandstorms was in 1935. The day it hit was Sunday, April 14, 1935. It is known as “Black Sunday” because the dirt in the sky was black and the visibility so bad that it was said that a person couldn’t see their own hand in front of their face. The storm started in the midwest and then blew southeast and ended up coming down through Amarillo.
Does this look familiar? No, these gals weren’t trying to avoid a pandemic, just a dust storm.

Saturday, October 24 –
Bella, Axel and Mia came to the Ranch today. The kids always have a lot of fun. This visit, I had something new for them to try. I picked up a couple of little “Velo” bikes made for toddlers. They don’t have pedals, but they do teach kids to balance on a bike.
We found the nearest place on the road that had a little hill and they started trying to figure out how to glide down the hill on the bikes. Axel thought it was more fun to try and crash his bike in ever new and creative ways. I started calling him Evel Knievel. They wanted to know who that was so I told them all about the famous daredevil from years past. Not to be outdone, Bella informed us that she also had a new moniker, “Abel Kenobi”!
Sunday, July 5 –
On Thursday, July 3, Carolina turned 17. Today, Stockton turned 19. It seems my babies are growing up. These two still spend a good amount of time together and enjoy a group of mutual friends. Lots of people over the years have asked me if they were twins because they always favored each other and had the same basic shape.
They’re still both tall and thin, but their shapes are a little different now which is good. But, they still favor each other I think.
Here’s a few pics of these two from over the years
Because of the recent Covid-19 lockdowns, Laredo began making available a series of video Bible Studies on YouTube. Laredo is the pulpit minister at the Hearts Together church of Christ in Slaton, Texas. His first series was a three-part series on the book of Habakkuk that he published mainly for his home congregation as a substitute for gathering as a congregation. After this series, his congregation began having “drive up” church in the parking lot, but he continued the videos featuring a study of the book of Joshua for his weekly Wednesday night class. Now he is several videos into this series.
Each lesson is about 15 – 20 minutes long and very interesting and informative. Laredo loves history, so he brings a lot of extra information about the subject matter into each lesson. He also manages to bring a bit of a life lesson into each session. The name of his channel is Biblical Musings. I hope you will check it out and see if you can fit an extra few minutes of Biblical musings into your life each week.
Click here to visit Laredo’s channel, and be sure to subscribe if you like what you see so you won’t miss each installment.
Friday, June 19 –
The cloud bank looked like snow capped mountains. We wish.
Sunday, July 14 –
After church today we drove down to Austin for a really quick trip. I had been looking up famous Texas swimming holes and we thought it would be fun to visit one of the most famous. We could only stay one full day because this is the Well Service’s busiest time of year, but we squeezed in as much fun as we could. I think we did a pretty decent job of it, too!
I had rented a little house within walking distance of Barton Springs pool. It was the top floor of this house.
Barton Springs is on the Colorado river which runs through Austin not far from downtown. Four springs feed the pool which is crystal clear and very cold. It is named after the man who originally settled there years ago and had a grist mill powered by the rushing water. A subsequent owner donated the land to Austin which eventually built the large swimming pool incorporating the springs area. It’s an interesting story and some nice old photographs of the history of the pool can be found here.
One of the springs flowing in.
We took pictures Monday morning planning to come back and swim in the heat of the afternoon. After we left the springs, we visited Austin Aquarium, a privately owned aquarium and reptile house. Stockton especially enjoyed this outing since they allowed limited handling of some of the specimens.
They had a manta ray pool where you could pet and feed these amazing creatures. They were very friendly.
Check out this little video of some of the friendly fish ( and other critters) loving their treats from aquarium visitors.
Afterwards we picked up a few groceries and ate at whole foods market.
In the afternoon we made it back to the springs to swim. There were significantly more people now, but still plenty of room to have fun.
Before long, however, some storms built up and they closed the pool due to the possibility of lightning.
We left the pool, went back to the house to change clothes and then ended up stopping at a miniature golf place. Stockton and Carolina had somehow missed ever getting to participate in a game of mini-golf. I think they enjoyed it. I know we did. It was called Peter Pan Mini Golf and has been a place of family fun since the late forties.
To see the mini golf video, click here.
Another fun activity was car gazing. The whole family really likes vintage cars (but who doesn’t?) and we’re always pointing them out to each other. Here’s a few we managed to photograph.
The kids were especially thrilled to see this DeLorean since we’ve recently watched the “Back to the Future” movies with our clearplay player.
We also visited a used book and record store and found a few treasures before stopping for a hamburger at a really fun place called shady grove, aptly named for all the large pecan trees shading the tables.
This vintage trailer was fixed up to be the men’s and ladies’ rooms.
Inside the ladies side were vintage posters and even an old telephone (just for looks). Carolina said she always wanted to twirl a telephone cord. I guess that’s just one more thing my generation took for granted.
So the vintage car that has zoomed by us earlier was parked behind the restaurant later and we got a close-up view of it.
Tuesday, July 16 –
So by Tuesday morning we had figured out that the best time to swim is in the early morning. It’s free from 5 am – 8 am, and you practically have the pool to yourself. It’s also more family friendly then as some of the swimmers and sun bathers in the afternoon and evening are not exactly modest. Apparently, a lot of residents swim early to start their day with a little refreshing exercise. So, when in Rome…
This was at about 7:45 in the morning. It is definitely the best time to visit this pool for a swim. The residents said that they come at this time year round. There’s also a bath house up these stairs.
After a refreshing swim, we headed back to the rent house to pack up and head home. But before we left Austin, we took a side trip to the LBJ Library. There was a special exhibition there that Carolina was keen to see. It was an exhibit about the early days of Motown. Yes, you read that right, Carolina really loves the music of that era and wanted to spend some time checking it out.
On the way there we drove past the beautiful Texas capital. Sadly, we didn’t have time to tour it this time.
From the LBJ library you have a good view of the clock tower on the University of Texas campus. Perhaps the library is on the campus itself, I’m not sure.
Another nice vintage car. Pres. Johnson’s Lincoln Continental used after he left office.
Carolina’s found another vintage phone. She said she always wanted to sit in a telephone booth.
Finally we came to the Motown exhibit.
Here we were trying to learn the temptations special “walk”
Outfits of the Jackson 5
After viewing the Motown exhibit, we took a quick look through some of the rest of the LBJ library. There were a lot of interesting things from the 60’s and early 70’s America.
A reproduction of the oval office as it was during the LBJ presidency.
There was a large section detailing the moon landing even featuring this moon rock.
After leaving the library, we headed back to the panhandle. It was a fast trip but lots of fun, too.
I did snap this photo of a picture hanging on the wall at a convenience store in Goldthwaite. An amazing piece of history isn’t it?
Thursday, July 4 –
Cim’s family and Laredo’s family came out for some burgers and homemade ice cream. Everyone had to take a turn holding little Magnus.
Callahan enjoyed the new pickup.
Bella prefers the old “cozy coupe”.
Callahan and Axel found a big “tractor” to inspect.
Sunday, June 16 –
Eighty-five years ago today was Granny’s birthday. Twenty-five years ago was Laredo’s birthday. They are exactly 60 years apart.
We all got together at Sunny’s today to celebrate these two birthdays, Courtney’s birthday, which is the 17th, and Father’s Day as well.
The menu included Mexican stack with all the trimmings, Sunny’s famous hot sauce, watermelon, a delicious chocolate cake by Courtney and a yummy lime cheesecake made by Andrea.
Everyone enjoyed playing with all the little ones and new baby, Magnus.
Here’s a little sample of the fun:
Saturday, May 18 –
This morning at the Sunset Church of Christ, graduates of the 2019 class of the Sunset International Bible Institute were presented with their hard-earned diplomas. Laredo had actually finished his classes last December, but returned to officially get his diploma with his class. He’s been preaching at Slaton, Texas at the Hearts Together church of Christ for a year or so.
Following is a short video of the highlights of Laredo’s

Callahan checking out the program, scanning for names he might recognize..
Everyone is so proud of Laredo and Andrea.
They had a hard two years with lots of studying but stayed with it to the end.
The Kerux award is so named because Kerux is the Greek word used in the New Testament for a herald or messenger of the Gospel. It is called the Ed Wharton Kerux Award because of Ed’s Bible knowledge and ability to clearly deliver the gospel message. The plaque is awarded every year to the student selected by the faculty as being an exemplary speaker. Laredo is pictured on the left with Ed Wharton and on the right with Andrea’s uncle Brad Buxton of Oklahoma City.
Former Sunset graduate and grandfather of Andrea, Mike Crowley congratulates Laredo.(also the preacher at the Matador church of Christ where the Shannon’s attend)
Granny with Laredo.
Afterwards we celebrated at Fuddrucker’s restaurant. I was so busy eating that I forgot to take pictures, except for a couple of Magnus enjoying time with Andrea’s mom, Rut.
Friday, May 17 –
We traveled to Lubbock to attend a banquet in honor of the graduates of the Sunset International Bible Institute. It was held in the life building at the Sunset Church of Christ in Lubbock.
During a humorous presentation during the program, part of one of the jokes was about Laredo.
Receiving their SIBI lapel pins

Sunday, May 12 –
What luck! We got to help celebrate Callahan’s 2nd birthday!
Uncle Cim gets his first time holding Magnus.
All kids like helping clean up, especially Bella.
After cleanup we had an impromptu photo shoot with the kids. We wanted pictures of Magnus while he was still tiny.
Enjoy this slideshow made up of more cute shots of Callahan’s first year!