Monthly Archives: August 2014

Monday, August 11, 2014 –
I’m sorry to keep posting sky photos, but it’s been a couple of summers since we’ve had so many nice clouds, and a good sunrise/sunset is 90% clouds. Today was another show-stopper. The first pictures are the sunrise this morning, and then come the sunset pictures. I had to hike into the pasture for the best shots.

Thursday, August 7, 2014 –
We sometimes run the cows through to preg check them or worm them, but this time the guys were strictly working on the calves. They were being ear-tagged, branded, de-horned if necessary and in some cases castrated. They wanted to do it last weekend when the weather was cooler, but couldn’t coordinate it all with the helicopter pilot. Yes, you read that right. The cows were gathered this time with a helicopter. It’s done quite frequently in our area because of the rough terrain. We wanted to try and gather some wild yearlings that didn’t get caught last year. Our L-shaped place isn’t very easy to gather horseback because the pens are at one end of the L and the river is at the other. These yearlings were hanging out by the river in the wildest part of the ranch. Anyway, the helicopter paid off and the yearlings were caught.
The weather was so hot today, that the guys were getting dangerously over-heated. However, at just the right moment, a cloud built up and sent a cooling breeze and a little shower over the proceedings. This was just enough of a relief so that they could finish up the last bunch of calves. Our friend, Brent Brown, was also helping us today.
Wednesday, August 6, 2014 –
From morning to night, the clouds were amazing today. Hope you enjoy these pictures I snapped throughout the day of clouds and a few other things as well.
Sunday, August 3, 2014 –
Nathan and I drove over across the river to a place we and the boys have leased. I hadn’t ever been on this ranch before, so I knew I would be wanting my camera. It’s a very pretty place and the cattle seem very well satisfied.
If you haven’t been out and about in the country around the rolling plains area lately, you may not have seen how the ranch land is now criss-crossed with high line wires. This has all happened just in the last 18 months. It’s such a shame that so much beautiful country has been so marred. I wish they would have at least kept to the main highways. Instead they follow whatever is the most direct line, even if it cuts right through tracts of land.