My playhouse has been really dirty for the last couple of years so me and mom decided to clean it. The playhouse used to be facing south\west and every time the wind blew leaves, dust and everything you could think of blew in. It was awful. On Sunday while the guys were here,we got them to move it to where it’s facing south.Me and mom spent almost all day out there cleaning it out.We pulled everything out all the dishes,rugs,towels and play food. We redecorated and… TA DA!! all better.

My dad made it for me about four or five years back. It has two windows.It’s has a barn-like door, the top and bottom parts are separate so the top swings open with out having to open the bottom part.

Jordan, Atlanta’s husband, built me a bunch of nice shelves to put all my junk on.

My refrigerator,full of all my play food.

The whole set-up even has a clock and two lamps!.

My ironing board with my iron and food trays.

We used to do a bunch of plays but we got out of it after awhile. For one of our plays we had to have a staircase. We built a staircase and after the play we took it back out to our house. We had it by a tree for a long, long, long…time but when we moved my play house, we also moved the stairs.

It is just the right height so you can get on the roof. It’s great for taking sunset\sunrise pictures.

Looking down from on top of the roof at Aspen’s geese.

A helicopter flew over as I was taking pictures so I decided to take a picture of it.

Hope you liked the pictures, I had fun taking them!
lots of love~