I’ve been working on switching over to a regular blog format for the ShannonRanch news for a while now. There was a pretty significant learning curve and a lot of hair pulling for me in getting it done. I’ve been so used to creating my website with Frontpage software which enables me to do anything, move anything, and change anything so easily, that I’ve really been challenged by the blog-in-a-box structure of wordpress. However, with some research and study, I was able to tweak it enough to add a little personality. It’s still a work in progress, but I hope that by using an existing blog format, I’ll feel a bit more connected to my readers. Now you’ll be able to comment, follow me and even sign up to get an email when I post something new. Let me know what you think and any suggestions that you have. Thanks for reading the news. Windy
Hi Windy,
I love seeing what you guys are up to and I give you a lot of credit for trying something new with the blog format. I’m sure I’ll get used to it, but I really did like your old one. :) My only suggestion is to use a bigger and bolder font for typing as I am finding all the printing pretty hard to read. And I’m only 28. ;) Have a great day!
PS. And maybe add words to the above boxes for name, email, etc….I’m not the brightest with computers and it kept telling me “error” when I went to submit this comment without my info; yet I wasn’t sure which lines I was supposed to fill in.
Sarah, thanks for the suggestions, I will work on this. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment. Windy